Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Reducing Email waste

Reducing Email waste


Whew.  Vacation.  Piles of work to recover from.  So much to blog about, so little time. 


But here is a link little bit of wisdom for you on how to reduce the waste of those to whom you send email: Writing sensible email messages.  Customer first.


I hope you find this helpful. 




Thursday, September 08, 2005

Heading out with an armful of books

I'm taking off for a week's vacation with my lovely wife on Saturday.  The past month has been both hectic and gratifying with some surprisingly positive kaizen event activities.  I hope to write more about the lessons learned.

In the book bag for the are two new Lean Enterprise Institute books.  "The Gold Mine" is a novel about a Lean turnaround, sort of in the style of "The Goal."  I'm about halfway through it and will report on it.  The second is Womack and Jones' latest thinking on the entire lean process, called "Lean Provision".  It looks useful, but I've only skimmed it.  Jim Womack is an excellent writer, though.  Also in the bag is the September issue of Harvard Business Review, in which Steven Spear, a true lean academic, writes on improving healthcare.  I'll try to report on all of these. 

We have much to do to make our enterprises competitive.  The pressures to distract are significant.  I count on books like these and interactions with many of you to help me stay focused.  I hope this blog may, in some small way, do the same for you.